In sum, Your Success is Our Success!
But while we know that we have accomplished
a lot through our customers, we know that our
approach at LaptopsAnytime is not a fit for everyone.
If you require a proven, efficient, highly configurable
space-saving multi-device dispensing system with
proprietary software and full accountability to increase
tech access and save time that can effectively replace
or supplement desktops/desktop labs, “manual”
circulation counter(s) and over-burdened technical
staff, then we may have the right solution for you.
All LaptopsAnytime Kiosk Systems are ‘Made in the
USA’, UL-Approved and designed for heavy usage.
It is not uncommon for us to handle thousands of
checkouts per month, even from starter systems.
Our systems never sleep – LaptopsAnytime Systems
can be used 24/7/365 and can be placed anywhere
with standard 110V power and Ethernet.
In standard bay systems, all devices automatically
auto-dock and system initiates auto-recharging and
returns devices to preset state. Our bay systems work
for users of all ages and backgrounds. Typical end
user interaction at the kiosk is fast, typically under
30 seconds. Administrators decide on the checkout
duration and authentication method (e.g. bar code,
swipe card or rfid reader in combination with on-screen
keyboard) that best fits their end users and facility.
LaptopsAnytime Kiosk systems can be managed at the
kiosk or remotely via our Central Management Server.
In addition, all kiosk systems are smartly configured
to authenticate to many different local databases from
LDAP/Active Directory to Integrated Library System via
SIP-2 (172 different ones so far).
In our systems, you can mix-n-match laptops, tablets
and/or portable 110V power chargers, separated by
row or cabinet. System supports numerous enterprise
laptop models with preference for 14” and smaller.
And yes, we support some Chromebook and consumer
laptop models as well as iPads (and sometimes other
devices) too.
Our latest innovation -- Dispensing Portable 110V
Battery Chargers -- is unique in that the portable
chargers complement the growing number of BYOD
(bring your own device) patrons and allow them to
plug their specific device charger in to the Portable
Battery Charger's 110V/85/Watt port.
This new approach allows facilities to avoid adding wiring and costly additional wall outlets to their facilities.
LaptopsAnytime Systems offer you all the management
tools so that you can control local Terms and Conditions,
screen text (up to two additional languages, besides
English), and on-screen graphics. And a camera takes
photos at time of every checkout for extra layer of
security and accountability.
In fact, LaptopsAnytime Kiosks email administrators
with trouble codes, e.g. if device fails to eject, kiosk
fails to check in, RFID reader fails etc. and kiosk
proactively shuts down "troubled" bay or "bad" device
until administrator can check on the issue.
Furthermore, LaptopsAnytime Kiosks have the ability
to record and email administrators with device issues.
Kiosk gives user the ability to notify administrators
of laptop issues (broken screen, keyboard etc.) for
their immediate attention.
Note: All bays and screen buttons within LaptopsAnytime Kiosk Systems are ADA-Compliant
and Accessible for all users.
We are also the only Company to standardize around
choice of Automatic 3-yr/4-yr/5-yr Upgrade Programs
whereby each facility receives a new replacement kiosk
per their selection and continual participation on one of
our Maintenance/Service Plan Levels (Platinum Plus,
Platinum or Gold).
As part of its Platinum Plus Hardware Agreement, for
example, LaptopsAnytime covers all costs associated
with repairs and replacement parts without additional
costs. Furthermore, our kiosks are kept in new condition
and updated every three years to accommodate newly
purchased laptops, regardless of the model.
We completely replace the 3-year old kiosk with new
bays, graphics, and electronic components without
cost or interruption to the Customer. The old kiosk contains 90% Machined Aluminum and 10% Sheet
Parts for which 80% is reusable in other kiosks and
100% percent of the kiosk is recyclable. This maintains
your kiosk in a like-new state without cost to you or the environment. Over a 6-Yr period, Platinum Plus Service plan provides you with one new kiosk and 2 replacement kiosks (year 3 & 6) giving you a consistent kiosk
experience for the next nine years!
So if you need a system that is easy to deploy, use
and scale (Start small with starter system and add
companion or additional hosts as warranted by local
demand), access full management status, inventory
and usage reports, can streamline your operations
and transform the look and feel of your facility with
a forever-focus, and a new kiosk in 3, 4 or 5 years
when you refresh your devices, reach out to
LaptopsAnytime today and discuss your use case.
But first, please see client case studies below so
you can see first-hand how our systems work and
the impressive results our systems provide.
Best of all, our systems work for anyone at any level
— even if you're not a "mega-sized" organization.
Or you are not the most technical person at your
department, organization or company.
Last but not least, we charge facilities standard
pricing for the same kiosk equipment, annual software
licenses and service plans based on market rates.
Thus, we offer every facility the best possible – fair
and reasonable – price, including quantity discounts.
We look forward to the opportunity to work with you
and your staff and colleagues.
P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me)
who just skip to the end of a letter, here's the deal:
We want you and your organization as a life-long
customer but only if there is truly a match.
That said, there is no "catch" to our approach,
now or anytime in the future. In the end, we want
you to have certainty and peace of mind that you
are selecting the right system. Explore our website
and when ready, fill out the Quote Request Form
for a response from one of our team members.

Case Studies
To Review